Friday, November 12, 2010

Useless or meaningless advice

26. Do not worry that the Bai: Make sure your work is very clear and strong, will not let your readers scratching it out.

27. Do not selfcriticism to die: Let free play of creative thinking.

28. Never mind your mother how to: Feel free to create, do not control the outside world how to think.

29. Do not hide your feelings: Do not suppress their feelings, readers want to feel is the author is passion and emotion.

30. Do not brought to the club (vegetable market) looking for advice: Avoid unnecessary, useless or meaningless advice.

31. Do not ignore the opinions of experts:

32. Do not chase the market:

33. Do not put a high profile and: Do not put your own works or cynical (like what the Japanese like corruption ah)

34. Do not waste your idea (plot): Please give a small idea in the story all the possibilities, not disposable.

35. Do not hastily Finish: The way to avoid: (1) finished after the first break.

(2) Check the story: Is there space restrictions so whom you want to end? Based on your story outline to go? ... ....

(3) good story to read again from the beginning: Do not repair while being read, as long as the change in behalf of the Department for marking, you can cite a possible

solution (preferably a change in the environment, to work outside the table read.)

(5) design the conflict between these two roles

(3) noted elsewhere in this scene with the problems, and note the problem has been solved.

(4) when the target is confirmed, the role of the contrary into another position and a second person.

(5) design the conflict between these two roles.

(6) wrote that scene.

(7) (plot) King to write bad, because the issues raised by this scene, did not get good answers.

23. Do not throw the crocodile from the transom (not suddenly flying a day outside, do not conflict, conflict): keep up an interesting story about the event.

24. Do not forget the role you think: Please provide, "according to their emotional, thinking after the judge is decision" makes you the story of his role in the

pursuit of goals.

25. Do not mist looked out: the story of the decision to you, and hold on tight.

(1) In this scene


16. Do not let the characters gossip chat: to make out the dialogue has its purpose (to promote the story? Establish the role of personality?, Etc.).

17. Do not let the role of dialogue too fancy colors: plain can approach close to write dialogue, do not use a wide range of colloquial slang.

18. Do not forget the feeling of the role: the use of the role of thoughts, feelings, feelings to create a role that can be understood by the reader.

19. Do not be afraid to use, "said ... ..." (this one I have not read, do not know ....)

20. Do not think you know everything of course, go to Prove: Even a small mistake could make or break your heart to the reader of degrees.

21. Do not stop observing and taking notes: the use of observations at any time to exercise their own narrative technique.

22. Do not ignore the scene structure: (1) In this scene, the main role to achieve the immediate goals?

(2) Write down goals.

To understand the internal point of view the role of ideas and action motivation

ide world, to understand the internal point of view the role of ideas and action motivation. This way, you can let the reader know the role of the idea of what a

person he is.

For example, Bob on the idea of this speech is the fear? Fear? Arrogant? Proud? Bob is response time are reflected by his personality. A description of fixed and

stressed the point of view, the problem can be reduced, so that the story is more like the real world, your role and make the reader have empathy. In addition, you can

point the reader to understand the role of a real face. Because in his heart, the role is no need to lie and cheat their own.

On the point of view to be careful not to run away so casually. Bob is still the point assumed the role, and you want to show his boss Max worried about Bob is speech,

you will not worry about a speech by Max 〔〕, because when we look at it from Max is point of view. In contrast, you can 〔podium when he went to when Bob thought of

this talk concerns Max〕 〔as to speech or Taiwan, Bob feared to write, see faces covered〕 Max. No matter which argument, we can provide information for readers to

know Max worried, but views are still concentrated in Bob body. Because the narrative point of view is very important for writing a story, then how do you train

yourself to remain fixed it narrative point of view?

To find a few pages to write your own novel, the character name in outlook red pen (a), drawn lines, each sentence out of a role in winning the view (such as he saw,

she thought, he heard, he felt She tried to go). See if there is a second point of view, if there is found, marked with a green pen name of the character (b), then

each sentence as successful in the role of the b point of view (see, think, hear ....) If found to have more than two views, if necessary, rewrite, to maintain a

single view.

Learn how to master the point of view of fiction writing is very important. If unable to take advantage of views, your readers will forget what this is story, and you

will forget! ! !

14. Do not preach to your readers: Please say something with a more meaningful, more creative ways to say.

15. Do not let your character is preaching to readers: Do not let the white background into a clumsy explanati

You have to become Bob

e point of view, in the short cartoon, not the protagonist who is not eligible for a lot of inner box it ^ ^.

13. Do not let the fuzzy point of view. Suppose now to write the story of Bob, before you decided to view his role, how do you make sure his point of view?

When you write the story, you have to become Bob, you can only see what he saw and heard what he heard, that to his knowledge, feeling his feelings, addition of as no

more intelligence. When Bob enters a room, he will first feel the sultry air, noting the sea of faces blurred, and then think "I want to convince you that I thought

was right." As you described, you can not only view your role to link with real life, but also let you create more easily. You do not worry about Sally Gansha in the

next room, and Bob worried about unrelated things can be ignored. Bob is reaction to concentrate and do your best to keep Bob is experience in this scene, vivid sense.

Next, let the reader know that this is sustained the point of view things from Bob. The use of grammar skills to understand the idea of Bob feels. Instead of using

"speech in the meeting room was crowded with" better use "Bob felt bored around the temperature around him, learned that he had to deliver a good speech, good to keep

the audience is enthusiasm." I could only Bob feel and understand their own. So readers know Bob look through the view, and then locked in Bob is perception.

Professional writers through the external environment (heat, the crowds) and the point of view (Bob) are combined and constructed a [result>; [Fruit>; connected by

Bob point of view, to understand Bob inner thoughts. Through the perspective of the role by observing the outs

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

But it is impossible to allow him to start Living

Stood up, "how to dance?"
Today Murong Kam drink more wine, so unwittingly removed the weekdays too cold.
Cooling off his hand on his shoulder, put the jump national standard position.
Although he did not skip, but in the clear guidelines, in nearly stepped on a few feet after the clear. He may find a feeling, very relaxed together, accompanied by melodious music that rotation, he gently whispers in the clear ears, "Where did you learn this particular dance?"
The clear soft smile, "I did not come before that to learn." Yes, everything seems to have had a past life thing.
Murong lug Kam Ying Road eyebrow slightly, "You really have a lot of the little village something special ah!" He remembers telling him the clear, even the names she was not from a small mountain village.
Sharp contact with these days as he had already noticed his distinctive, and she like a mystery, he wanted to solve, but it is impossible to allow him to start Living.
Shang Yuan Night ③
The clear laugh, just the smile, a touch of sadness hidden, she desperately rotation, until the eyes of the countless stars in the flash.
Murong and shoved her into the arms of Jin, "do not turn."
So warm up his chest, in the first cold weather seems to block out discount louboutin all the cold attacks.
The clear that whispered, "If you Fang Shaoqi how good!"
Her voice is very light fall Murong Kam is ear, he asked some of the clear road of uncertainty, "the clear, you say? You consort prince?"
The clear heart of a fierce fight Jiling, round, then road, "ah, as it does have a wedding so wonderful!"
She was paralyzed by alcohol brain do not know what to say Murong Jin will not believe it, but really, how much she is looking forward to have a wedding of their own, perhaps, which it called the wine there is truth!
It seems that this is already the second time tonight to show the clear on this wedding envy, how a prince can marry tw

On the boats that

Some of the cold wind blowing the cheeks, the clear is pleased shouted, "Come again!"
Murong Kam So to see her so excited, "You sit tight." Shoved a flattering shares.
Horse will Sahuan the running.
The kind of stimulation like in drag racing, the clear immersed in this stimulation were dizzy.
She was excited, laughing.
Murong Jin have never seen such a cooling off, then smile as bright without the slightest hidden.
Far we can see the Golden Water Bridge on the brightly lit lanterns which beacon rising slowly, and that bridge has been decorated lanterns, and countless men and women young and small Ai lake in the above wish.
Jin will be the clear dismounted Murong hold back, pulling her to the river walk, the clear front of some vague, as if in a dream in general.
Yuet Wah first time, the moon reflected in water, blue waves, blending a pool of pure light, little pale ice broken mirror first, and if the collections of diamond pieces flash. Shore stop there a floating restaurant, discount louboutin brightly lit, if shaped like a golden dragon boats, magnificent. The wind gently lifted the layers of Man Zhang, are like soar. Pavilion secretly hidden away the trees were lightly coated with a layer of silver moon light, blurry.
Just listen to someone shouting, "Block dragon boat on the lake, and seats are limited ah!"
Shang Yuan Night ②
Murong Jin looked at the clear channel, "or go by boat?"
At this time the people still in the clear excitement, a bit childish nodded, "Good!"
Drunk and always very different from the clear, remove the weekdays in the calm and cool.
The clear,d like more of the cute cute.
And he took her on board Murong Kam, and then took out a gold from her boatman on that road, "Tonight I pack a dragon boat on this."
The price is very objective nature, that nature is very respectful to people who went up the boat.
On the boats that, in that fine seat seated, the waiter will end on the fresh fruit and pastries,
At this point, Fang Musicians on the lively also played "Clouds Chasing the Moon", and gradually boats and row to the lake.
Stuck his head out to see the clear that moving far from the shore save shrouded in misty bloom crowd, her heart is still fluttering sway.
She pulled Murong Kam, "we dance!"
Murong Kam surprised a moment, but elated to see her like this pair will be also in accordance with her.

The clear clear some would think

The clear is waved, "I want to drink."
Lingding drunk she just want to drink, do not want to present these things.
Sort of coaxed her Murong Kam Road, "the clear, you,re drunk, listen to sweet-scented osmanthus drink hangover and Xiang Lu and delicious!" If the women of his usual, which is also the coax him so, but just this stubborn never eat a small woman like his strength.
The clear drank that delicious sweet osmanthus Xiang Lu, her face looked Murong Kam is a bit fuzzy or Murong Jin Fang Shaoqi tell is, it seems that they both coincide to together.
Banquet finally dispersed, in speaking of his mouth Murong Kam Meng Meng drunk the clear, "we return to the government it!"
The clear channel is childish, "No, no, I,m going to the bridal chamber!" She was really drunk.
Murong Jin looked at her face scarlet, a Push arm dragging her waist and stood up.
The clear weight of the entire body of the pressure in the Murong Kam that one arm.
Out of the hall, the cool wind hit in the face, the clear clear some would think, is to hold her Murong Kam to the cart.
But christian louboutin shoes on sale the clear role of the liquor power is against him, "I want to ride!"
With a hint of a smile Murong Kam Road, "Good!"
He is such a small request to meet her.
Shang Yuan Night ①
Jin will be the clear Murong onto his horse, and he then also on the horse, the carriage all the way slowly as the line of toffee.
It sat in the carriage on horseback Queshi Bi more carefree.
Cooling off the road there are many boys and girls see the hands are holding lanterns, and others took their lit lanterns.
So ask Murong Kam Road side head, "they are going to do?"
Murong Kam, "you forget today is still edge section."
Only think of it to listen to the clear duck said, this festival the young men and women less Ai wish forged harmonious union in the lake.
Murong see the clear for a long time without a word Kam just stared at the lantern in hand, the people, so Road, "or we have to go south of the Golden Water Bridge to see."
The clear nod of her head because of the role of alcohol, especially the excitement, but also because the wedding was attended Fang Shaoqi and particularly repression, both felt her heart intertwined mess.
Murong Kam horse carriage window to announce his drive into the toffee with a cry they rode towards the south of the cl

Friday, October 15, 2010

Prior to the performance She accepted the singer.

Prior to the performance She accepted the singer. End frame, the girls even to the singer to be signed. .the smoke painted makeup, eyes full of all the evil child singer is Avril. At that time, she was 18 years old, just out of the Canadian town of Napanee Chuang world , wearing a vest and Kuankuan big skateboard pants, his writing songs, do not listen to anyone, with beautiful eyes and endless rebellion. .2002, the maiden launch of Avril children cynical stood blocking traffic on a roof, sings a song called cried a big voice caused by family members pay attention to girls, with their fresh Christian Louboutin young voices wake of the 80 new human sleeping after the agitation.For a time, .Avril children so inexplicable to red. school, she and handsome, seems do not know how to dress and make up. explosive head since childhood with her to a higher. until sophomore she could not stand, will be weed-like hair tied into a black braided head, the eyes of the smoke will be makeup, set when the desire of beauty stylist. .is this 1984 born, never make people worry girl, just released his debut five years over three albums , has won the world 2,500 million albums sold and eight Grammy nominations, in countless fans around the world In 2007, her third album U.S. music charts, won the U.S. album and singles champions.

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Been here the singers Liaobai Wei, Hins Cheung

Been here the singers Liaobai Wei, Hins Cheung, Anson Hu, Hong Kong and Taiwan artists have: Kelly Chen, Nicholas Tse , Joey Yung, Steven Ma, Xiao Zhengnan, Juno Mak, Jay Chou, Li Wei, Lin Youwei, Fish Leong ... ... every guests, live room atmosphere near to the fiery explosion. in non-broadcast time, no one stationed in the live room also revealed a conceited expression, as if hot cool program is to play instantly!
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lang Lang home late that day

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Lang Lang's father was the Air Force Art Troupe of Shenyang erhu performer

Lang Lang's father was the Air Force Art Troupe of Shenyang erhu performer, the mother was young stars like Michelle Yeoh.
Lang Lang one year old, parents, jobs Christian Louboutin with more than 1000 yuan borrowed money plus fees to his bought a piano. a child, his father was when Lang Lang played piano, but Lang Lang has his own ideas, often a dispute with his father. father is very strict, and let the Spring Festival Lang Lang piano. father played most of Lang Lang is to frighten, each time by the mother to father quit his job, but the father did not tell Lang Lang, saying only that changed jobs, was on vacation. He sent Lang Lang rain or shine to go to class, two are still motorcycle review. Once, someone Moncler looking for neighborhood door, said Lang Lang playing the rest affected the surrounding residents, it was midnight and even smashed the windows of Lang Lang at home, but eventually it was Lang Lang's dedication and touched by the beautiful sound of the piano. his family moved away, people are particularly miss Lang Lang's Pieces. .been a teacher in discouraging .At that time, Lang Lang's parents pay more than 100 yuan per month only enough to buy food. rented housing conditions are not Moncler Jackets good. have time before the examination , Lang Lang said teachers do not teach you, you can not later become a pianist, teacher cited did not, and an emotion are awful.

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Although the level of my piano did not last too much before the table

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I think to win this new one by the international trade,

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Large supermarket pork is more terrible

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Monday, September 27, 2010

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If they do not recommend

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

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Monday, September 20, 2010

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I even faint with sweat

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

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Let me feel it

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

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She sat in a private notebook computers, data entry is busy, mixed record. concentrate on the work of a person When a peculiar beauty. Wenhua was hooked with. He approached the king Shenbuyouzhu Xu true. Xu really hobble around glasses, staring the computer screen, it have to take a while to find him standing in front of her. I do not know psychological or what, she really felt the slight magnetic force. p90x dvd set only to hear him ask: . will Rounds, etc., is very secular. suddenly exposed to a scientist, that he aroused. Xu really went on, take a photograph every Nianwu seconds, the scope of each photo is more than 30 thousand square kilometers. , 16 years old boy first date also once had a slight concussion.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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not have to dominate up their hearts. think of this, Lin Qing force of rubbing the hands his hair, and shouted the voice of the hysteria out of tune. Qing Lin curled up in bed,

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Friday, September 3, 2010

One day

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in the zodiac legend,an equipment was usually in three ways.One is something and get.but strange was the shoes of ordinary brushes are generally more times,in addition to a copy of brush Strange was the shoes.but does not directly fall shoes copy of blame,but will drop the token,as long as a certain token can be collected to the designated place to return a copy of a shoe.christian louboutin shoes usually copy of the token in exchange for the shoes are very lethal Oh! be difficult because the copy of the original play,playing several times to collect enough tokens to enchant shoes,said hard work brings success,so how hard to get the shoes may not be powerful it?! Photo Caption : copy in return for playing the other is his shoesproduction the Chinese Zodiac legend,just have enough character,NPC can to inside the celestial city where cloud How-how to learn life skills,synthesis skills oh mm ! most gourmet of the shoes are synthesized by the player himself out! The Need to sell shoes,but the high price of! If you want to create these superb shoes and more powerful,they can go to the NPC inside the celestial city of God,Iron Office christian louboutin sale use Lee Chu soul upgrade to enhance,or direct purchase hole punch holes directly embedded into the stone using the property to upgrade and strengthened,so your shoes become lethal class! Photo caption: synthesis synthesis skills mm shoes Third is from the Lunar New Year show games to buy the shoes were a fashion show! these shoes not only beautiful,but also come with property Oh! or addition of blood values,or value addition of Reiki.and even have to wear ordinary shoes,but also shoes to wear fashion show Oh! mean while wearing two pairs of shoes,not in conflict! and these beautiful shoes fashion shows can be synthesized! just bought two pairs of shoes the same fashion show,to the NPC inside the celestial city Department for Tang seductive woman Synthesis can get more powerful pair of shoes a fashion show! If you already have a pair of lethal time leading ordinary shoes,plus a pair of lethal-class fashion show shoes,then this time the strength of your destruction can imagine!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

he saw the Soviet Union Hearing protectors

he saw the Soviet Union Hearing protectors , and at a loss to see his daughter, then take a look at him, seemed not without fear of, it seems very confused, whispered softly chatteration and asked, micro-Hou do not know what His Majesty said that? , stand by Xin live smiled, counted to answer. because he did not know what he was saying. In order to avoid embarrassment, he asked instead to make love to call?
SU care quickly replied, His Majesty the christian louboutin Son of Heaven, my daughter called Daji. SU care, she had turned her daughter snapped Come over audience with His Majesty the Son of Heaven? So he came to see Da Ji smiling down toward his knees bow that my daughter Da Ji, audience with His Majesty the emperor.
he nodded, trying to answer each other, but could not say a word at a time to. christian louboutin shoes He felt the waves mind was not, my body, blood rushes, the whole body as if struck by lightening flashed like a flash. He came to this world 30 years, I do not know how many men and women have received the salute to the ground, but had never produced christian louboutin sale such a strong reaction. he was a bit badly, and tried to get his footing and once again they recovered. In order to cover up the heart turned upside down, he pretended to kicked the foot of the geese, praised a sigh of good arrows Yeah!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

footwear color design and a very close relationship

footwear color design and a very close relationship between fashion color, color in the light of changes in the color design footwear appropriate adjustments to meet the fashion wear, footwear color, but relatively stability. As the dust shoe features leather materials intolerance to light-colored shoes is seldom used, and more for local color, or in summer and autumn season shoes. The main color used to black, brown, blue, olive green, gray, bright red, brown-based, also, with the dress color trend is also reflected in the decoration on the uppers.

For example, the design of modern living style decorative pieces of shoes, a pair of shoes can be equipped with a wide range of decorative items, and clothing to the formation of local and global echoes of harmony and unity.In addition, footwear design but also the basis of color wear object, wear different seasonal and other factors were designed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Like on the next collection with it

Like on the next collection with it: Add to Favorites Baidu Sina QQ bookmark favorites and telecommunications networks Abstract POCO Rights Network Abstract summer, summer is nearly over, stylish mm apart from the ready Qiuyi also prepared a beautiful Fall shoes. a pair of good shoes on feet, not only shows the beginning of this you ahead of the fashion sense, but also will allow you to enjoy the absolute value of the wearing feeling, Xiao Bian collected here several classic fall shoes, to enjoy life women themselves in the autumn to prepare a good pair of shoes it!

Manolo Blahnik Frisoni gold digging black patent leather cutting technology boat shoe fashion analysis: I am a fashion classic personality of a pair of boat shoes, it is suitable for downloading with full black is worth noting that to wear gold accessories, will be better autumn and winter with this stylish shoes coordinate.

Alessandro DellrAcqua stylish black patent leather high heelshigh-heeled shoes and ankle boots will tip a combination of character shoes, the use of such of a shoe with black pants or on your black dress, she felt like a celebrity not skyrocketed? fashion shoes silk ship Resolution: silk and small sheep's clothing Let this pair of fall shoes combination has a very nice silver sheen, with a silver dress, is a good choice to participate in the night party.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

course some bad eyesight and even their feet

course some bad eyesight and even their feet about what kind of shoes do not know, of course, some people mind too weak, even he could and What kind of people live together do not know. but most of the shoes, most people, so is the need for so many twists and turns to return the divorce.marriage is a pair of shoes, you carefully selected, is the most suitable for your feet a pair of that. never to envy someone else's shoes is more beautiful, more lively, more practical, more fit. because the world is this not a pair of shoes for your feet content tailor-made, nor a marriage for your personality naturally destined. shoes to wear for a long time, and feet for the shoes on, shoes on their feet for two people to get along for a long time, he for you, you have to fit him. can not be successful when it becomes a spiritual procrustean , of course, you can choose again and again and again the feet to the shoes, the shoes do not fit you throw away, but you can painstakingly built up the family and love, but also discarding it like a cover to fulfill it? many people, when in love, feel that they can give everything for each other, but the marriage can not change each other a little bit. Zhuixin cutting the feet while the pain, but the thorns of life on the road, not a pair of care to protect your feet, but also is too embarrassed too! Besides slashing you how can I know you are not a sixth toe, not extra fat on it! marriage is a pair of shoes, a pair of you should carefully choose a good start on the most suitable for your shoes. When it is not perfect when you think, find the reasons for their feet. Do not we complain that why it is not for you, if it is difficult to run-in, procrustean, is a noble realm of marriage.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

you will find a psychological balance

you will find a psychological balance, which is the source of hh a full 10 days long and difficult journey, we arrived I pull audio Lake, the tranquil lake under the hot sun and the snow-capped peaks reflect each other, and close the Keriya Pass is like a spacious gate spans in front of us. At this point, Oman, Sit pack work, and vomiting.Christian Louboutin from morning till evening the camel can not send in our work, and parting, I and pack work by tahoun clasped, he choked to me said:Captain, P90X do you like my own father, later you'll never come here, you are tired, look at you I am very distressed. feeling extremely heavy! our nine players can turn the Keriya Pass? pack can work in accordance with the safe return home tahoun and Oman? these deep tugging at my heart! Moncler open valley on the left of our nine individuals, and a kind of loneliness never had swarmed the heart, we have no choice, we have an average elevation of more than 5000 meters of altitude to walk nearly 200 km of mountain dangerous road, there is no way the road. Keriya Yamaguchi always dreamed that awaken our passion objectives. in beautiful and illusion, in dreams and tears, hard to find in life and gain experience, we constantly lit With the heart of hope with the call, move it.