Friday, November 12, 2010

Useless or meaningless advice

26. Do not worry that the Bai: Make sure your work is very clear and strong, will not let your readers scratching it out.

27. Do not selfcriticism to die: Let free play of creative thinking.

28. Never mind your mother how to: Feel free to create, do not control the outside world how to think.

29. Do not hide your feelings: Do not suppress their feelings, readers want to feel is the author is passion and emotion.

30. Do not brought to the club (vegetable market) looking for advice: Avoid unnecessary, useless or meaningless advice.

31. Do not ignore the opinions of experts:

32. Do not chase the market:

33. Do not put a high profile and: Do not put your own works or cynical (like what the Japanese like corruption ah)

34. Do not waste your idea (plot): Please give a small idea in the story all the possibilities, not disposable.

35. Do not hastily Finish: The way to avoid: (1) finished after the first break.

(2) Check the story: Is there space restrictions so whom you want to end? Based on your story outline to go? ... ....

(3) good story to read again from the beginning: Do not repair while being read, as long as the change in behalf of the Department for marking, you can cite a possible

solution (preferably a change in the environment, to work outside the table read.)

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