Friday, September 10, 2010

though I did not do a thing should not be dry

though I did not do a thing should not be dry, but come to think of the new state after so many things without the knowledge of her, and she told me really want to know how her accounts I explain?
anyway idle is idle to waste time, herve leger compiled a story Donghonghong her, such as telephone lines repaired quickly made in the past.
back to the computer side, open WORD, a little stage for me, I began suffering the lie away.
know what misfortunes never come singly, because last Saturday I was really misfortunes never come singly.
so that day I took my laptop herve leger dress to go here to repair DELL Maintenance Department, as hard a little bit wrong. I am trying to save money there is no taxi, but catch the bus. That was drying out, I went in the afternoon, along the way are drowsy, it is not the spirit. just the car, I'll be with me a rush off of a person I left the computer back in the shoulder, I hesitated to make a quick recovery. But you think I am a big short-sighted, and not beaten track, you can run that guy win? results that were your husband I'll Qiguaibaguai He gave chase lost, he still fell and, fortunately did not break the glasses.
no way, I had to go to a nearby police station. probably because I was foreign accent bar, police station, herve leger bandage dress was also deliberately making things difficult for a kid I joked If we fail to grab something that Probably still my hometown, you said to me to anger. Later, the little old man went off a little like asking how's going the next child, asked me to fill in the sheets through the list of things to write down, then hit a few other sub-phone, and finally told me to go home and so on.

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