Sunday, February 13, 2011

The national drugs badly respond the case that the monitor center totally receives 13 Mao promise Tong drugs reports more than 80

From 2004-2009 October, yearses, the national drugs badly respond the case that the monitor center totally receives 13 Mao promise Tong drugs reports more than 80,000s, among them, the serious case reports more than 3500s and have to always report a number of 3.6%.The bad reaction of serious case expresses press involve in of organ-system classification, with the whole body injure, nerve and spirit system damage, skin and it enclosure damage is lord, in addition, digestive system, urinary system, breath system of the bad reaction/affairs is also opposite and more.
Discover to the bad reaction analysis of the Mao promise Tong drugs, some drugs of a certain badly respond the other drugs are opposite and outstanding, should is particularly concern during the clinical use, such as department Pa sand star of the light is quick to respond, the liver of Mo Xi Sha is star damage and the kidney damage of the Pa bead sand star etc..

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